Dental Check-up and Clean

A dental check-up is a comprehensive examination of your teeth, gums, and general oral health. This essential routine appointment, combined with regular brushing and flossing, is crucial in maintaining optimal dental hygiene.

During the check-up, your dentist will perform a thorough visual examination of your mouth and may take X-rays or provide fluoride treatment. It’s also recommended you have a professional clean.

A cleaning is an opportunity for your dentist or dental hygienist to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth with specialist tools. Your toothbrush at home cannot remove tartar, so it’s important to maintain regular professional cleaning.

Depending on your situation, your dentist will offer advice on brushing and flossing, provide fluoride treatment and, if relevant, discuss any potentially harmful habits such as alcohol use, smoking, and soft drink consumption.

Dental check-ups are an essential part of oral health and should happen every six months. If you have ongoing or complicated issues with your teeth, your dentist may recommend more regular check-ups.

Why Choose KB Village Dental for Your Check-up?

KB Village Dental is your family-friendly dentist in North Sydney. We endeavour to provide a wide range of quality, professional services at an affordable price for everyone.

Whether you’re looking to improve your smile with cosmetic surgery, need a check-up, or have an issue you want checked, KB Village Dental is here to provide a comfortable experience for all our patients.

Patient care and comfort are of the utmost importance to us, so if you or your loved ones have any requirements, let us know, and we’ll strive to provide you with the best experience.

What Happens if You Don’t Get Dental Check-ups?

The biggest risk of not getting regular check-ups is that completely avoidable or treatable conditions like gum disease and tooth decay will be left to get worse.

What begins as a minor issue will deteriorate into a problem that will be more expensive and difficult to treat. Dental check-ups are an important part of your dental health routine, just like brushing and flossing, so it’s important to maintain routine check-ups with your dentist.

Dealing With Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is the phobia of going to the dentist. There are many degrees to this fear, from feeling nervous in the waiting room to being unable to sleep the night before an appointment.

In some cases, patients delay appointments or avoid going to the dentist. The downside of this is that the patient misses essential dental care, and issues will be left untreated.

If you have dental anxiety, let your dentist know, so they can take steps to accommodate you. At KB Village Dental, we believe everyone should have proper dental care and have various strategies to help those with dental anxiety.

Get in touch with our friendly team today, and we will organise a plan to best suit your needs.

dental treatment in progress
KB Village dentist shaking hands and smiling with an elderly patient

What Happens at a Dental Check-up and Clean?

Your dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, tongue, mouth, jaw, neck, head, and saliva to determine your overall oral health.

They will ask if you’ve been having any issues or concerns and may have some questions based on what they’ve noticed from their examination.

Your medical history will be available, so your dentist can track your health and make note of any changes. If your dentist discovers any cavities or other issues, they’ll discuss with you the next steps that need to be taken.

Comprehensive Oral Exam

During a comprehensive oral exam, your dentist thoroughly examines your mouth to assess its overall condition.
There are a few things your dentist is looking for, including any signs of plaque, tartar, cavities, or other issues with your teeth and gums. They’ll also check your bite and how your top and bottom teeth fit together, wisdom teeth and for any signs of oral cancer.

It’s always better to catch dental issues earlier rather than later. The sooner a problem can be addressed, the less damage it will end up causing you.

Professional Teeth Cleaning

During a cleaning, a dentist or dental hygienist will use special tools to remove bacteria, food, plaque, and tartar from your teeth and gums. It is an important part of dental hygiene, as a thorough cleaning helps eliminate harmful bacteria you can’t remove through regular brushing.

Plaque is a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth. If left too long, this plaque will harden and become tartar. Both can lead to tooth decay and gum disease if not removed. However, tartar can only be removed by using specialist equipment, which is why regular professional cleaning is so important. Along with avoiding future fillings, teeth cleanings will make your teeth look cleaner and your breath smell fresher.

Digital X-rays

Digital X-rays, or radiographs, are a means of getting images of the inside of your mouth that assist your dentist in evaluating your dental health.

An X-ray reveals details that cannot be seen during a physical exam, including inside the structure of your teeth and bones. Most commonly, X-rays can reveal early signs of tooth decay, cavities, and impacted teeth, but can also reveal information about your jaw and tongue position.

At KB Village Dental, we use digital X-rays which are quick and have an extremely low radiation level, making them perfectly safe for everyone, from children to the elderly.

Gum Disease Prevention

Gum disease usually begins with plaque working its way from the teeth into the gums. The real issues begin when the plaque under your gums hardens into tartar, and this can lead to issues such as gingivitis and periodontitis. Left untreated, these pockets of infection in your gum can permanently damage tissue and even bone. Therefore, preventing gum disease or catching it early can help avoid irreversible harm.

Some of the signs and symptoms of gum disease include:

  • Bleeding in the gum area
  • Swollen, puffy gums or any discolouration
  • Areas that are sensitive to touch or outright painful
  • Bad breath that won’t go away
  • Loose teeth
  • Pus or any signs of infection

Anything about your gums that causes you pain or discomfort or just doesn’t seem right should be looked at by a dentist.

Check for Cavities

A major role of check-ups is to determine whether you have any cavities. Your dentist will look for any visual evidence in your teeth and gums. They will also ask you about any sensitivity you may be experiencing when eating and where this is occurring.

Dental X-rays are another important tool in detecting cavities and tooth decay, as they allow a detailed look at areas your dentist wouldn’t be able to see otherwise.
If you do have signs of cavities, the treatment will depend on the severity. From least severe to most, the treatments include fluoride treatment, fillings, crowns, root canals, and tooth removal.

Cavities won’t cure themselves and will only get worse over time (both in terms of pain and lasting damage to your teeth). Therefore, the sooner you catch a cavity, the less painful and expensive it will be to fix.

Oral Cancer Screening

An oral cancer screening is an opportunity for your dentist to identify any signs of cancer in an early, more treatable stage.
The first step of oral cancer screening involves your dentist examining your mouth for any red or white patches, feeling the area with a gloved hand if necessary. If there are any concerning signs, your dentist may organise a follow-up visit and take a biopsy.

While the idea of oral cancer is scary, it’s vital to catch the disease as early as possible. Most people will leave the screening with peace of mind, but there is a chance the procedure could save you or a loved one’s life.

Request an Appointment

Call (02) 9964 9166 or request an appointment online.

Our convenient Kirribilli location, nestled between Milsons Point and Neutral Bay, makes us your local Sydney North Shore dentist. If you’re travelling by car, there’s plenty of street parking nearby. And we’re only a short walk from Milsons Point train station.

Visit the North Shore smile experts and give your teeth a treat.